The Northern Apennines River Basin District Authority is a non-economic public body, of national relevance, controlled by the Ministry of Ecological Transition.
It was established by the district reform, referred to in Article 51 of Law no. 221 of 28 December 2015, (so-called Collegato Ambientale). Over a period of two years (from 2016 to 2018) the Authority was structured and organised and became fully operational in accordance with the provisions of Ministerial Decree No. 294 of 25 October 2016 and the Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers 4 April 2018.
The River Basin District Authority drafts and approves the Basin Plan and the related drafts, among which, the River Basin Management Plan (inserire link) and the Flood Risk Management Plan (inserire link) under the provisions of Directives 2000/60/CE and 2007/60/CE and of art. 63, paragraph 10, letter a) of the legislative decree 152/2006.
Thanks to these planning activities, the Authority can continuously provide updated information on the status of water resources and the objectives set for each of them, on the timeframes and measures to achieve good status. At the same time, the Authority is in charge of updating the Flood Risk Management Plan (link to page plans) and of the preparation of the PAI “piano di assetto idromorfologico” (link to page plans). In addition, the Authority expresses opinions on the conformity to the basin plans of flood risk and landslide measures contained in other national and regional plans.
The Authority also participates to projects funded by European funds. At present, the Authority is involved in the “Phusicos – According to nature” project (link to project page), in cooperation with partners from other European countries such as France, Germany, Norway, Spain, Austria. It was approved in 2018 under the EU Horizon 2020 programme, and aims at demonstrating, the effectiveness of nature-based solutions (NBS) in mitigating hydrogeological risk, improving the quality of water resources and in supporting ecosystems. It is implemented in the test area of Lake Massaciuccoli, located in the Serchio basin.