Elenco liste


1394KTM_EnumKTM1 - Construction or upgrades of wastewater treatment plants
2395KTM_EnumKTM10 - Water pricing policy measures for the implementation of the recovery of cost of water services from industry
3396KTM_EnumKTM11 - Water pricing policy measures for the implementation of the recovery of cost of water services from agriculture
4397KTM_EnumKTM12 - Advisory services for agriculture
5398KTM_EnumKTM13 - Drinking water protection measures (e.g. establishment of safeguard zones, buffer zones etc)
6399KTM_EnumKTM14 - Research, improvement of knowledge base reducing uncertainty
7400KTM_EnumKTM15 - Measures for the phasing-out of emissions, discharges and losses of Priority Hazardous Substances or for the reduction of emissions, discharges and losses of Priority Substances
8401KTM_EnumKTM16 - Upgrades or improvements of industrial wastewater treatment plants (including farms).
9402KTM_EnumKTM17 - Measures to reduce sediment from soil erosion and surface run-off
10403KTM_EnumKTM18 - Measures to prevent or control the adverse impacts of invasive alien species and introduced diseases
11404KTM_EnumKTM19 - Measures to prevent or control the adverse impacts of recreation including angling
12405KTM_EnumKTM2 - Reduce nutrient pollution from agriculture
13406KTM_EnumKTM3 - Reduce pesticides pollution from agriculture.
14407KTM_EnumKTM4 - Remediation of contaminated sites (historical pollution including sediments, groundwater, soil)
15408KTM_EnumKTM5 - Improving longitudinal continuity (e.g. establishing fish passes, demolishing old dams)
16409KTM_EnumKTM6 - Improving hydromorphological conditions of water bodies other than longitudinal continuity
17410KTM_EnumKTM7 - Improvements in flow regime and/or establishment of ecological flows
18411KTM_EnumKTM8 - Water efficiency, technical measures for irrigation, industry, energy and households
19412KTM_EnumKTM9 - Water pricing policy measures for the implementation of the recovery of cost of water services from households
20413KTM_EnumKTM20 - Measures to prevent or control the adverse impacts of fishing and other exploitation/removal of animal and plants
21414KTM_EnumKTM21 - Measures to prevent or control the input of pollution from urban areas, transport and built infrastructure
22415KTM_EnumKTM22 - Measures to prevent or control the input of pollution from forestry
23416KTM_EnumKTM23 - Natural water retention measures
24417KTM_EnumKTM24 - Adaptation to climate change
25418KTM_EnumKTM25 - Measures to counteract acidification
26419KTM_EnumKTM99 - Other key type measure reported under PoM
Elenco completo
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