Elenco liste


1552IndicatorPressure_EnumPA13 - Area (km2) of water bodies where other anthropogenic pressures are preventing the achievement of objectives
2553IndicatorPressure_EnumPA14 - Area (km2) of water bodies where physical loss of habitats is preventing the achievement of objectives
3554IndicatorPressure_EnumPA15 - Area (km2) of water bodies where the exploitation/removal of animals/plants is preventing the achievement of objectives
4555IndicatorPressure_EnumPA02 - Area (km2) of forest land at risk of soil erosion
5556IndicatorPressure_EnumPA16 - Area (km2) of water bodies where unknown pressures are preventing the achievement of objectives
6557IndicatorPressure_EnumPE01 - Load (tonne per year) of BOD to be reduced to achieve objectives
7558IndicatorPressure_EnumPE02 - Load (tonne per year) of nitrogen to be reduced to achieve objectives
8559IndicatorPressure_EnumPE03 - Load (tonne per year) of phosphorus to be reduced to achieve objectives
9560IndicatorPressure_EnumPE04 - Load (tonne per year) of sediment to be reduced to achieve objectives
10561IndicatorPressure_EnumPE05 - Load (tonne per year) of priority substances to be reduced to achieve objectives
11562IndicatorPressure_EnumPL01 - Length (km) of water bodies where diffuse urban run off is preventing the achievement of objectives
12563IndicatorPressure_EnumPL02 - Length (km) of water bodies where hydromorphological alterations for agricultural purposes are preventing the achievement of objectives
13564IndicatorPressure_EnumPL03 - Length (km) of water bodies where hydromorphological alterations for aquaculture purposes are preventing the achievement of objectives
14565IndicatorPressure_EnumPL04 - Length (km) of water bodies where hydromorphological alterations for flood protection are preventing the achievement of objectives
15566IndicatorPressure_EnumPN02 - Number of dams/ weirs/ barriers and locks associated with drinking water that have conditions not compatible with the achievement of objectives
16567IndicatorPressure_EnumPN03 - Number of dams/ weirs/ barriers and locks associated with flood protection that have conditions not compatible with the achievement of objectives
17568IndicatorPressure_EnumPN04 - Number of dams/ weirs/ barriers and locks associated with hydropower that have conditions not compatible with the achievement of objectives
18569IndicatorPressure_EnumPN05 - Number of dams/ weirs/ barriers and locks associated with industry that have conditions not compatible with the achievement of objectives
19570IndicatorPressure_EnumPN06 - Number of dams/ weirs/ barriers and locks associated with irrigation that have conditions not compatible with the achievement of objectives
20571IndicatorPressure_EnumPN07 - Number of dams/ weirs/ barriers and locks associated with navigation that have conditions not compatible with the achievement of objectives
21572IndicatorPressure_EnumPN08 - Number of dams/ weirs/ barriers and locks associated with other uses that have conditions not compatible with the achievement of objectives
22573IndicatorPressure_EnumPN09 - Number of dams/ weirs/ barriers and locks associated with recreation that have conditions not compatible with the achievement of objectives
23574IndicatorPressure_EnumPN10 - Number of discharges not connected to sewerage network that are preventing the achievement of objectives
24575IndicatorPressure_EnumPN11 - Number of farms not covered by advisory services
25576IndicatorPressure_EnumPN12 - Number of introduced diseases preventing the achievement of objectives
26577IndicatorPressure_EnumPV05 - Volume (million m3 per year) of water abstracted/diverted for industry to be reduced to achieve objectives
27578IndicatorPressure_EnumPV06 - Volume (million m3 per year) of water abstracted/diverted for other purposes (such as recreation) to be reduced to achieve objectives
28579IndicatorPressure_EnumPV07 - Volume (million m3 per year) of water abstracted/diverted for public water supply to be reduced to achieve objectives
29657IndicatorPressure_EnumPA01 - Area (km2) of agricultural land at risk of soil erosion
30658IndicatorPressure_EnumPA03 - Area (km2) of forest land affected by pressures preventing the achievement of objectives
31659IndicatorPressure_EnumPA04 - Area (km2) of groundwater bodies not achieving objectives because of alteration of water levels/volumes
32660IndicatorPressure_EnumPA05 - Area (km2) of groundwater bodies not achieving objectives because of groundwater recharges
33661IndicatorPressure_EnumPA06 - Area (km2) of water bodies where diffuse urban run off is preventing the achievement of objectives
34662IndicatorPressure_EnumPA07 - Area (km2) of water bodies where hydromorphological alterations for agricultural purposes are preventing the achievement of objectives
35663IndicatorPressure_EnumPA08 - Area (km2) of water bodies where hydromorphological alterations for aquaculture purposes are preventing the achievement of objectives
36664IndicatorPressure_EnumPA09 - Area (km2) of water bodies where hydromorphological alterations for hydropower production are preventing the achievement of objectives
37665IndicatorPressure_EnumPA10 - Area (km2) of water bodies where hydromorphological alterations for other purposes are preventing the achievement of objectives
38666IndicatorPressure_EnumPA11 - Area (km2) of water bodies where hydromorphological alterations for public water supply purposes are preventing the achievement of objectives
39667IndicatorPressure_EnumPA12 - Area (km2) of water bodies where hydromorphological alterations for transport purposes are preventing the achievement of objectives
40668IndicatorPressure_EnumPL05 - Length (km) of water bodies where hydromorphological alterations for hydropower production are preventing the achievement of objectives
41669IndicatorPressure_EnumPL06 - Length (km) of water bodies where hydromorphological alterations for other purposes are preventing the achievement of objectives
42670IndicatorPressure_EnumPL07 - Length (km) of water bodies where hydromorphological alterations for public water supply purposes are preventing the achievement of objectives
43671IndicatorPressure_EnumPL08 - Length (km) of water bodies where hydromorphological alterations for transport purposes are preventing the achievement of objectives
44672IndicatorPressure_EnumPL09 - Length (km) of water bodies where hydromorphological alterations for unknown purposes are preventing the achievement of objectives
45673IndicatorPressure_EnumPL10 - Length (km) of water bodies where litter or fly tipping are preventing the achievement of objectives
46674IndicatorPressure_EnumPL11 - Length (km) of water bodies where other anthropogenic pressures are preventing the achievement of objectives
47675IndicatorPressure_EnumPL12 - Length (km) of water bodies where physical loss of habitats is preventing the achievement of objectives
48676IndicatorPressure_EnumPL13 - Length (km) of water bodies where the exploitation/removal of animals/plants is preventing the achievement of objectives
49677IndicatorPressure_EnumPL14 - Length (km) of water bodies where unknown pressures are preventing the achievement of objectives
50678IndicatorPressure_EnumPN01 - Number of contaminated sites preventing the achievement of objectives
51679IndicatorPressure_EnumPN13 - Number of introduced species preventing the achievement of objectives
52680IndicatorPressure_EnumPN14 - Number of mine water discharges preventing the achievement of objectives
53681IndicatorPressure_EnumPN15 - Number of permits not compatible with the achievement of objectives
54682IndicatorPressure_EnumPN16 - Number of point sources preventing the achievement of objectives
55683IndicatorPressure_EnumPN17 - Number of urban areas with excessive overflows that are causing or contributing to failure of objectives
56684IndicatorPressure_EnumPN18 - Number of waste disposal sites preventing the achievement of objectives
57685IndicatorPressure_EnumPN19 - Number of water bodies affected by emissions/ discharges or losses of priority and priority hazardous substances
58686IndicatorPressure_EnumPN20 - Number of water bodies failing EQS for pesticides originating from diffuse agricultural sources
59687IndicatorPressure_EnumPN21 - Number of water bodies failing EQS
60688IndicatorPressure_EnumPO99 - Other indicator
61689IndicatorPressure_EnumPV01 - Volume (million m3 per year) of storm water that is causing or contributing to failure of objectives
62690IndicatorPressure_EnumPV02 - Volume (million m3 per year) of water abstracted/diverted for agriculture to be reduced to achieve objectives
63691IndicatorPressure_EnumPV03 - Volume (million m3 per year) of water abstracted/diverted for aquaculture to be reduced to achieve objectives
64692IndicatorPressure_EnumPV04 - Volume (million m3 per year) of water abstracted/diverted for cooling water to be reduced to achieve objectives
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